Search results for: groovy


Ripped Off DC # 117 - rel: 13.01.1991 - code by The Phantom - gfx by Wayne

(Module disk 10)
Featuring Electonic Images Protracker v1.1b
And more groovy modules


screenshot from disc 117

Stax DC # 035 - rel: 07.03.1993 - code by Mike - gfx by Sodan

the justice demo by digital justice
jim power music demo by mug u.k.
england team manager (PD Game)
stranger intro
tsn intro
ace pd intro
new trend intro


(Sally of STAX)

screenshot from disc 035

Stax DC # 036 - rel: 20.12.1992

magma two sound demo by insomnia
enigmatic obsession by flash (STE)
parallax 2 demo by flash (STE)
pictura v2.0 by the detonators
revenge doc displayer


(Sally of STAX)

screenshot from disc 036

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