Search results for: So_Watt-Nordik_Coders


Automation CD # 367 - code by E.G.B. - gfx by Ripped

The Bards Tale
Perplexia Docs


screenshot from disc 367

Bad Brew Crew CD # 034 - code by The Law - gfx by Xerud

Ultimate Ride


screenshot from disc 034

Dream Weavers CD # 017 - gfx by Wizpop

Recovery [1 MB]
Cadaver (Extra Level)
Defender 2
The Empire Noisetracker 1.5
Pack-Ice 2.2
FastCopy 3


screenshot from disc 017

The Medway Boys CD # 062 - rel: 1990 - gfx by Wizpop

New Zealand Story+
Italy 1990


screenshot from disc 062

The M.L.P. MD # 051


screenshot from disc 051

P.O.V. DC # 030 - rel: 15.09.1990 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Ozymandias

Aciid Burn II (An Cool)
Demon Demo (Dynamic Duo)
Counterpoint (The Lost Boys)
CST Demo (ConStellaTions)
Info Screen (1990 - Persistence Of Vision)
Copier Screen (1990 - Persistence Of Vision)


screenshot from disc 030

Reanimators CD # 007

Ghosts'n Goblins
TCB Tracker 1.0
Ghouls'n Ghosts (hints and tips)


screenshot from disc 007

Ripped Off DC # 057 - rel: 27.07.1990 - code by FM of the Storm Masters

(Module disk 1).
Featuring ST-Connexion Tracker and the following .mods:
Altair. Booter. Ghost of Parallax. Endtheme. Fastwork. Lets be. Kreuger. Magic wand. Stromlord. Xenon2.


screenshot from disc 057

Stax DC # 050 - rel: 29.04.1993 - code by Matt of STAX - gfx by Matt of STAX

the dots dance dentro
ecg fried bits 1 screen
mug uk's speedball 2 music demo
hardcore demo (PD Game)
interrupt music files whilst the desktop
STAX info program


screenshot from disc 050

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