Search results for: Dogs_of_War_t1


Automation CD # 214 - code by E.G.B. - gfx by Xerud

Seven Gates of Jambala
Super Wonderboy


Dogs of War
(David Whittaker)

screenshot from disc 214

Automation CD # 214v2 - code by E.G.B. - gfx by Xerud

Seven Gates of Jambala
Super Wonderboy


Dogs of War
(David Whittaker)

screenshot from disc 214v2

P.O.V. DC # 025 - rel: '07.1990 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Ozymandias

An Cool STE Demo (1990 - An Cool)
Shiny Bubbles (1987 - Xanth FX)
The Final Cut (42 Crew)
SCC Intro 1 (Scotish Cracking Crew)
Copier Screen (1990 - Persistence Of Vision)


Dogs of War
(David Whittaker)

screenshot from disc 025

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