P.O.V. DC 001 - 010


P.O.V. DC # 001 - rel: 07.03.1989 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Mac Sys Data

Micromix I (1988 - Radical Systems)
Micromix II (1989 - Radical Systems)


(Jason C. Brooke)

screenshot from disc 001

P.O.V. DC # 002 - rel: 22.04.1989 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Mac Sys Data

International Rescue Demo
International Rescue Demo (Persistence Of Vision)


(Rob Hubbard)

screenshot from disc 002

P.O.V. DC # 003 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Mac Sys Data

TEX 1st Demo (1987 - The EXceptions)
Little Sound Demo (1987 - The EXceptions)
Little Color Demo v1 (1987 - The EXceptions)
XXX Demo (1988 - XXX International)


(David Whittaker)

screenshot from disc 003

P.O.V. DC # 004 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Mac Sys Data

Ghostbusters Demo ( 1989 - Persistence Of Vision)


(Fred Gray)

screenshot from disc 004

P.O.V. DC # 005 - rel: 11.07.1989 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Aly/MSD

A-ha "You Are The One" ( 1989 - Persistence Of Vision)


(David Whittaker)

screenshot from disc 005

P.O.V. DC # 006 - rel: 10.12.1989 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Mac Sys Data

Space Ace Demo (1989 - Persistence Of Vision)
Starwars Rap v1 (Fungus The Bogeyman)
Bouncing Ball On Mirror (1989 - Persistence Of Vision)
The Globe (1988 -XXX International)
Flying Bird Demo
Many Boink Demo (Ralph Russel)


(David Whittaker)

screenshot from disc 006

P.O.V. DC # 007 - rel: 14.07.1990 - code by Boris - gfx by Boris

he Synthetic Visions (1989 - The Art Machine)
Enter 'Tangens' in the main menu to activate the hidden screen (thanks to the author).
SAS Demo (1989 - SAS)
Pro Replay Demo (Radical Systems)..


Army Moves
(David Whittaker)

screenshot from disc 007

P.O.V. DC # 008 - rel: 11.12.1989 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Mac Sys Data

Megabang Demo 1 (The Lost Boys)
Living On Video (1989 - Persistence Of Vision)


Pandoras Box
(David Whittaker)

screenshot from disc 008

P.O.V. DC # 009 - rel: 28.12.1989 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Aly

Robomix Demo (Radical Systems)
Bat Demo (ST Squad)
Fujiboink (1987 - Xanth FX)


screenshot from disc 009

P.O.V. DC # 010 - rel: 31.12.1989 - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Aly

Model (Level 16)
Joe 90 (The Skunk)
Power Demo (1988 - The Lost Boys)


Beyond the Ice Palace
(David Whittaker)

screenshot from disc 010

P.O.V. DC # 010_info - code by Mac Sys Data - gfx by Mac Sys Data

Info screen


need info
pls mail me

screenshot from disc 010_info

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