Automation CD # 001v0 - code by Ozzwald - gfx by Neil |
The Empire Strikes Back Trail Blazer Robotron 2004 Star Raiders The Sentinel Crystal Castles Plutos Northstar | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 001v1 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by Neil |
The Empire Strikes Back Crystal Castles Trail Blazer Star Raiders Northstar Robotron The Sentinel | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 001v2 - code by The Law - gfx by IRS |
Crystal Castles The Empire strikes back Northstar Robotron The Sentinel Star Raiders Trail Blazer Football Manager - World Cup Edition docs: Northstar | Music:
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Automation CD # 002 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by Neil |
Into the Eagels Nest Trantor - The last Storm Trooper Extensor Knightmare Plutos Virus Joe Blade + Trifide | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 003v0 - code by Ozzwald - gfx by N/A |
Arcade Classics Delta Patrol Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh + Football Manager Super Huey Joe Blade Mercenary The Second City Rolling Thunder | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 003v1 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by N/A |
Mercenary Return to Targ Mercenary the Second City Football Manager Arcade Classics Rolling Thunder Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh + Delta Patrol Super Huey docs: Rolling Thunder | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 004 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by N/A |
Mission Genocide Computer Scrabble Moon Patrol Eden Blues Xevious Airball Starquake Missile Command docs: Computer Scrabble, Starquake | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 005 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by N/A |
Tyhpoon Thompson in Search for the Sea Child Street Gang Deathstrike + | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 006 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by N/A |
Better Dead Than Alien Missle Command v2 Pinball Factory Thundercats Army Moves + Rockford + Joust | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 007 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by N/A |
Asteriods Deluxe Karate Kid II Diablo Battleships Vampire's Empire Overlander | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 008 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by N/A |
Backlash Ninja Mission Goldrunner Major Motion Super Breakout Revenge of the Mutant Camels QBall Spook | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 009v1 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by N/A |
Enduro Racer Chubby Gristle Eliminator Nebulus | Music:
no sound
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Automation CD # 009v2 - code by The Law - gfx by The CMT |
Nebulus Eliminator Chubby Gristle Enduro Racer Blue Angels | Music:
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Automation CD # 010 - code by Was (Not Was) - gfx by N/A |
Tournament Leaderboard Leaderboard Pengy Veteran Black Lamp Whirligig docs: Whirligig | Music:
no sound
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